Makes Estate Planning Accessible

Estate planning is often relegated to the back burner, viewed as a complex and expensive process only necessary for the wealthy. But the reality is, everyone – regardless of age, wealth, or family situation – benefits from having an estate plan in place. An estate plan ensures your wishes are known and respected after you’re gone, minimizing confusion and conflict for your loved ones during an already difficult time.

However, traditional estate planning can be intimidating. The legal jargon, perceived high costs associated with lawyers, and the misconception that it’s only for the rich can all contribute to procrastination. This is where LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App comes in, making estate planning accessible to everyone.

Why Estate Planning Matters for Everyone

Estate planning goes beyond simply creating a will. It’s about safeguarding your assets and loved ones in the event of your incapacity or death. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of having an estate plan, regardless of your life stage or financial situation:

  • Peace of Mind: A comprehensive estate plan grants you peace of mind, knowing your wishes will be carried out and your loved ones will be taken care of.
  • Minimize Conflict: Clear and concise estate documents can help avoid confusion and potential conflict amongst family members during a time of grief.
  • Protect Your Assets: An estate plan allows you to designate beneficiaries for your assets, ensuring they are distributed according to your wishes.
  • Guardianship for Minor Children: If you have minor children, an estate plan allows you to appoint a guardian to care for them in the event of your passing.
  • Financial Security for Dependents: Estate planning helps ensure your dependents have the financial resources they need after you’re gone.
  • Avoid Probate: A well-crafted estate plan can minimize the need for probate, a lengthy and often expensive legal process.

The Roadblocks to Traditional Estate Planning

While the benefits of estate planning are undeniable, many people hesitate to move forward due to perceived barriers:

  • Cost Concerns: Traditional estate planning often involves consulting with an attorney, which can be a significant expense, especially for those with limited budgets.
  • Lack of Knowledge: The legal terminology and complexities surrounding estate planning can be daunting for those unfamiliar with the process.
  • Time Constraints: Busy schedules can make it difficult to carve out time to meet with an attorney and discuss estate planning needs.

These roadblocks can prevent individuals from taking control of their future and securing their loved ones’ well-being.

LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App: Making Estate Planning Simple, Affordable, and Accessible

LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App shatters the traditional mold of estate planning, offering an easier, faster, and more affordable way to create essential estate planning documents. Here’s how our app breaks down the barriers and makes estate planning accessible to everyone:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Our app boasts a user-friendly interface that guides you through the process step-by-step, with clear instructions and easy-to-understand language. No legal jargon or complex legalese here!
  • Customizable Templates: We offer a library of customizable templates for essential estate planning documents, including wills, trusts, power of attorney forms, and healthcare directives. You can tailor these templates to your specific needs and circumstances.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App is a significantly more cost-effective solution compared to traditional estate planning through an attorney. Our transparent pricing structure allows you to create essential documents for a fraction of the cost.
  • Convenience and Flexibility: The app is accessible from anywhere, anytime. You can draft your documents at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home, on your schedule.
  • Privacy and Security: We understand the sensitive nature of your information. LegalGEN prioritizes data security, employing industry-best practices to safeguard your privacy.

Who Can Benefit from LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App?

LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to take control of their future and ensure their loved ones are protected. Here are some specific groups who can particularly benefit from our app:

  • Young Professionals and Families: Young couples starting families often have limited resources but a strong desire to protect their future children. Our app allows them to create basic estate plans at an affordable cost.
  • Single Adults: Even single individuals with no dependents can benefit from having an estate plan in place. The app empowers them to designate beneficiaries for their assets and avoid potential confusion in the event of their passing.
    • Seniors: Estate planning becomes even more crucial as we age. Our app empowers seniors to create or update their estate plans, ensuring their wishes are known and their assets are distributed according to their desires.
    • Blended Families: Blended families with children from previous relationships can benefit from the app’s customizable templates to ensure clarity and minimize potential conflict regarding inheritance.
    • Individuals with Unique Assets: The app caters to those with unique assets, such as digital assets or intellectual property, by offering templates that can be adapted to address these specific situations.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Considerations with LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App

While LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App empowers you to create core estate planning documents, it also offers flexibility for those with more complex needs. Here’s a glimpse into how the app caters to these situations:

  • Incorporating Digital Assets: The digital age necessitates addressing ownership and inheritance of digital assets like social media accounts, online investments, and cryptocurrency. Our app includes customizable templates that allow you to designate beneficiaries for these assets, ensuring they are managed according to your wishes.
  • Planning for Incapacity: Estate planning goes beyond death. Consider incorporating a power of attorney document that designates a trusted individual to make financial and healthcare decisions on your behalf in the event of incapacity. LegalGEN offers templates for various power of attorney options, allowing you to tailor the document to your specific needs.
  • Living Trusts: A living trust can be a valuable tool for asset management and avoiding probate. While LegalGEN doesn’t provide legal advice on creating trusts, the app offers educational resources and guidance on the different types of trusts and their potential benefits.
  • Charitable Giving: If charitable giving is important to you, our app allows you to easily designate charitable beneficiaries within your will, ensuring your philanthropic goals are met after you’re gone.

What if My Situation is Particularly Complex?

LegalGEN recognizes that some situations require professional legal expertise. Our app is designed to be a user-friendly starting point, but it’s not a replacement for consulting with an attorney. Here’s when seeking legal counsel is advisable:

  • Significant Assets: If you have a substantial estate with complex assets or liabilities, consulting with an attorney ensures your plan is comprehensive and addresses all potential legal issues.
  • Business Ownership: Owning a business adds another layer of complexity to estate planning. An attorney can guide you through the process of incorporating business succession planning into your overall estate plan.
  • Tax Implications: Estate taxes can come into play for very large estates. An attorney can advise you on tax-saving strategies and ensure your plan minimizes potential tax burdens on your beneficiaries.
  • Family Dynamics: If you have a blended family, estranged family members, or other complex family dynamics, consulting with an attorney can help navigate potential conflicts and ensure your wishes are clearly documented to avoid future disputes.

LegalGEN: A Stepping Stone to a Secure Future

LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App empowers you to take control of your estate planning journey, regardless of your background or financial situation. Our user-friendly app and customizable templates make creating essential documents simple and affordable. For those with more complex needs, the app provides a valuable starting point and educational resources, while also highlighting situations where consulting with an attorney is recommended.

We understand that estate planning is a personal and often emotional process. LegalGEN is here to guide you every step of the way, offering the tools and knowledge you need to secure your legacy and protect your loved ones.

Take Action Today: Start Building Your Peace of Mind

Visit the LegalGEN website to explore our Document Drafting App and access a wealth of informative resources on estate planning. Don’t let procrastination prevent you from safeguarding your future. Take the first step towards peace of mind today and craft a personalized estate plan that reflects your wishes and protects your loved ones.

In addition to the above, here are some further enhancements you can consider to enrich your blog post:

  • Visual Aids: Incorporate charts, infographics, or decision trees to visually represent complex information and enhance user understanding.
  • FAQs: Address frequently asked questions (FAQs) about estate planning and the LegalGEN app to provide clear and concise answers to common concerns.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Include clear CTAs throughout the blog post, encouraging readers to visit the LegalGEN website, download the app, or learn more about specific services.
  • Legal Disclaimer: While LegalGEN provides educational resources, incorporate a legal disclaimer clarifying that the app is not a substitute for professional legal advice.


LegalGEN’s Document Drafting App is a powerful tool that democratizes estate planning, making it accessible and affordable for individuals across all walks of life. By simplifying the process and removing common barriers, we empower people to take control of their future and protect their loved ones.

However, we recognize that estate planning is a complex legal matter, and there are situations where professional legal counsel is essential. Estate planning attorneys play a vital role in providing expert guidance and tailored solutions for clients with unique or complex needs.

LegalGEN’s app can serve as a valuable resource for attorneys, streamlining the document creation process and freeing up their time to focus on higher-level legal advice. By working together, LegalGEN and estate planning attorneys can provide comprehensive and effective estate planning solutions to meet the diverse needs of their clients.

Together, we can help individuals build a secure legacy and achieve peace of mind.

Estate planning attorneys: Are you looking for a way to enhance your clients’ experience and streamline your workflow? Partner with LegalGEN to offer a comprehensive estate planning solution. Contact us today to learn more about our ambassador program.

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash